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DIY Concrete Mold: Become a Manufacturer

Concrete foundation blocks 20x20x40 cm can be made at home. You can become a personal concrete mold manufacturer. This will require a form, roofing material, concrete (sand, cement, gravel). Let's talk about how to make blocks with your own hands.

The form is made of wood or iron. It is a solid box, 20 cm high and wide, the length depends on how many blocks you plan to make at the same time. Inside the box you need to make partitions, every 40 cm, their number also depends on the number of planned blocks. The bottom in the box is better not to do. On the sides, for convenience, two handles should be attached. There are several such forms that need to be done, so the work will go faster. You can make a form for one block, but the process of manufacturing the desired number of blocks will take much longer.

How to Make the Foundation Molds?

We are preparing a solution. The quality of the strength of the blocks mainly depends on the brand of cement. The higher the grade of cement, the stronger the concrete. The ratio of sand and cement in the working solution is usually indicated on bags of cement. A higher amount of sand is added to the high-grade cement. Now the solution is sold ready-made, packaged in bags. Crushed stone is suitable for any, but it is better to take fine-grained. The solution must be thick (to be molded).

The inside form, so that the concrete does not stick to the walls, must be wiped with technical oil or diesel oil. We put the form on a ruberoid spread out on the ground. We fall asleep concrete, well rammed. In the form of concrete should stand for two days. After that, remove the mold, but the concrete will still be damp, as it should be. Concrete blocks die naturally, it is impossible to dry especially. At this time, they need to be protected from the sun and rain (build a canopy). In two weeks, the concrete block will be ready for use.

For greater strength of the blocks, at the stage of pouring concrete into the mold, you can add reinforcing wire.

Such concrete blocks are suitable for the basement, and it is also very good to use them for the construction of walls, fences.

Using the method described above, hollow blocks for erecting walls can be made. To get hollow blocks, a wooden beam or a metal frame must be placed inside the cells of the form.

In the case of the manufacture of wall blocks, cheaper aggregates such as expanded clay and slag can be added to concrete instead of crushed stone. Perfectly suitable for such blocks mortar: cement, expanded clay, sand (1: 6: 3).

Properties of the Wall Molds

They are strong, durable, have improved indicators of frost resistance and fire resistance. There is also another property of wall blocks - an increase in the useful area of ​​the premises due to the thickness of the wall blocks without reducing the quality of heat transfer. That is why wall blocks confidently displace the usual materials for construction. Wall blocks will help you at a low cost to get high-quality building material, therefore - high-quality construction. A house built of wall stones will be comfortable and warm, and will also save a lot of money.

Moreover, the cost of the wall concrete molds from manufacturer themselves compares favorably with other building materials. Wall blocks create a feeling of comfort due to the fact that they have a heat-resistant effect, so in a room of wall blocks, you will be cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Therefore, heating costs are one third less than in houses built of brick. Also, a positive feature of wall blocks is that the walls created from them are much lighter than walls built from bricks, thus creating less load on the foundation.

So, there is a guarantee that your house will be not only warm but also durable and less prone to collapse. Plus, as in a geometric progression, your costs for delivering wall blocks are reduced. Due to their weight (wall blocks are much lighter than, for example, brick), the volumes of material delivered will be greater. So, why you should choose wall blocks for building your house, arguments for:

  • guarantee warmth, comfort, frost-resistant and fireproof;

  • increase the useful area of the room due to their small thickness;

  • do not reduce the quality of heat transfer in the room;

  • set in a small amount of time;

  • at their price and at the cost of their installation is much cheaper than other building materials.

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